Does not contain sodium fluoride
Sodium fluoride is a common ingredient in many toothpastes. However, there is a risk that the toothpaste will be swallowed by the user, and this unconscious repeated consumption can lead to fluoride toxicity. According to clinical trials, the graft polymer, at the right concentration, shows fluoride-like effects on remineralization. The toxicity of the graft polymer is incredibly low. Thus, the risk of intoxication by swallowing toothpaste is minimal.
According to a recent study, the highly foaming substance SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) is responsible for many allergies, canker sores, and other health issues. SLS-containing kinds of toothpaste swiftly provide the feeling of clean teeth, cutting down on the amount of time actually required for oral hygiene. The effect of mouthwashes chlorhexidine (CHX), which aids in the prevention and treatment of periodontitis and other dental illnesses, is deactivated by SLS, which is another disadvantage of SLS in toothpaste.
Chemicals termed parabens, which the body does not produce, may contribute to allergic reactions.
Periodontitis during pregnancy should not be confused with pregnancy gingivitis. It is associated with the shift of the oral microbiome towards anaerobic pathogens and is nowadays considered a risk factor for premature births and low birth weight in newborn babies. After tooth decay, it is the second most frequent oral disease. Periodontitis is thought to affect 5 to 40% of pregnant women. Periodontitis can be prevented with toothpaste made particularly for expecting mothers.